The Introverted Influencer

Stop Worshipping the Algorithm: Do this Instead!

August 29, 2024 Erica Van Slyke Episode 71

Send me a text message!

If the algorithm you rely on for the success of your business has been frustrating you (or in my case straight up f*cking you over), you have come to the right place!

 In today’s episode, I’m sharing both practical and spiritual tips to help you break free from this toxic dynamic and replace it with something way more enjoyable and aligned with your goals.

Stop being a slave to the algorithm- you are far too magical for that nonsense!

**All my fellow mamas out there: I am a potty-mouth,  so you may want to listen with headphones on!**

If you found this episode helpful it would mean the world to me if you could share it with a friend or screenshot this episode on your phone, upload it to Instagram stories and tag me (@designingvibes).  This podcast is not monetized, so spreading the word is the best way to "pay me back" for my time and wisdom- so to speak. If you would like to contribute monetarily to this show, you can do so by clicking here for my digital tip jar.


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