The Introverted Influencer

Normalizing Woo and Healing Your inner Child with Natasha Levinger

February 17, 2023 Erica Van Slyke

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You know I am all about the "woo"  , so I felt like a kid in a candy shop interviewing today's guest, Natasha Levinger, who  is an author, energy healer, therapeutic intuitive and co-host of the "Getting to Know Woo" podcast.

In this episode,  we discuss the potency of inner-child healing, self-compassion,  feminine flow, chakras, and all things energy (not just for your personal life- but for your business) .

Natasha also gives some helpful techniques for setting energetic boundaries and cultivating  one's own intuitive gifts.

To pre-order Natasha's new book "Healing Your Inner Child" visit amazon.

You can listen to Natasha's podcast "Getting To Know Woo" on Apple and Spotify.

You can book a mentorship with Natasha on  her website where she also has courses and meditations available for purchase.

**All my fellow mamas out there: I am a potty-mouth,  so you may want to listen with headphones on!**

If you found this episode helpful it would mean the world to me if you could share it with a friend or screenshot this episode on your phone, upload it to Instagram stories and tag me (@designingvibes).  This podcast is not monetized, so spreading the word is the best way to "pay me back" for my time and wisdom- so to speak. If you would like to contribute monetarily to this show, you can do so by clicking here for my digital tip jar.


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